Chief Executive Andrew Baxter stands on stage at EuropaCom.

Europa Hits £300m mark

Andrew Baxter Chief Executive of Europa Worldwide Group has revealed that the company’s turnover for the last 12 months has hit the £300m target, at its recent staff conference.

The future of Europa

Under the banner “bigger, bolder, better” the “EuropaCom” conference was a platform for the Directors to congratulate the team on their success to date and set out the company’s bold roadmap to achieve £400m turnover by the end of 2023.

Europa Worldwide Group’s board outlined an ambitious growth plan, including new global sites and expansion across all of its road freight, air and sea freight, and 3pl divisions. The focus being to continue to repeat its accomplishments across its hugely successful core business.


This second, staff conference was held at the QEII Centre in central London, attended by 500 of the firm’s team as well as livestreamed to staff in Belgium, Hong Kong and Shanghai.

Europa success

The ambitious and innovative logistics operator is one of the fastest growing privately-owned mid-market businesses in the UK.  From an operation with 450 staff and a turnover of £76m when Andrew Baxter acquired the company in 2013, Europa now has over 1300 staff, and has just opened three new road freight sales branches.

Despite various worldwide restrictions imposed, Europa has continued to trade profitably in the face of economic uncertainty.  Regardless of the challenges of Covid-19 and Brexit over the past two years Europa has launched its unique European road freight customs product, Europa Flow and opened a £60m state-of-the-art 3pl facility in Corby, which is now fully automated.

The last few years has been one of major investment and growth for Europa with its investment of over £5m in Europa Flow – a unique customs product which successfully allows goods to move quickly and efficiently between the UK and EU with minimal delays.

Andrew Baxter, Chief Executive Officer at Europa commented:

“We would not have achieved these excellent results without the continued enthusiasm and commitment of our talented and growing team.  They showed huge resolve when we were hit by Covid-19, where possible moving fully remote within days, and continued to service our customers across all division when many reduced or even stopped their services.  We even completed our Corby site in the middle of the global pandemic which is a massive achievement.

“The “EuropaCom event is an opportunity to congratulate our staff face to face as well as communicate our future plans.”

Europa Opportunities

At the event, each division shared its long terms objectives, including further innovations in its market-leading products and services, investment in road freight fleet, new global sites and expansion across all parts of the operation.  The firm is already promoting one member of staff on average every week and outlined further opportunities for recognising talent.

Andrew added: “I am incredibly proud of our team and look forward to working with them on another exciting period of growth with our plans firmly on track to hit our ambitious £400m turnover target for 2023, with our sights on hitting a turnover of £1bn through organic growth.”

“Our strategy continues to focus on long term profitability by improving our services to customers, improving efficiencies and driving up quality. We have a great team at Europa – the best people in the business.”

Europa overview

Europa Worldwide Group is an ambitious independent logistics operator with four divisions – Europa Road, Europa Air & Sea, Europa Warehouse and Continental Cargo Carriers and employs over 1,300 across the UK, Belgium Shanghai and Hong Kong.