Europa Road celebrates six months of success at the Sheffield branch. Since its launch in September 2018, our newly opened European roadfreight sales office has more than doubled the team, turnover and gross profit.
We chose Sheffield for a new roadfreight sales branch to expand our logistics services across South Yorkshire.
Nathan Lynn, Branch Manager for Europa Road in Sheffield comments: “The results from the first six months speak for themselves and our local customers are responding well.”
Alongside Nathan, who previously worked as Branch Manager at our Leeds office, there is a team of six. The Sheffield team focuses on providing sales support to a rapidly increasing list of European roadfreight customers across South Yorkshire. With growth expected to continue we’re expected the Europa Road in Sheffield to double in size.
Dionne Redpath, Branch Network and Sales Director at Europa, comments: “We are delighted with the results in Sheffield. There is a real positive culture within the new team and together they’ve been working extremely hard.
The Sheffield roadfreight team is creating new opportunities and delivering consistently good customer service. We can’t wait to see what the next six months has in store for the team.”
The expansion into South Yorkshire allows Europa Road our European roadfreight division to tap into new markets and boost growth and productivity.
Nathan continues: “It’s still only early stages and we plan to continue to drive sales forward by creating opportunities to work with new customers across our South Yorkshire region.”